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Planning Board Minutes 11/19/2009
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
November 19, 2009

Members present:  Vice-Chairman Richard Moore, Ex-Officio Richard DeBold, Stan Brehm, Allen Mayville, Mike Valotto, Chairman Thomas Jameson (late arrival), and Jamie Pike, Secretary.

The meeting was opened at 7:10pm.

Mr. Pike reviewed a findings report upon the upcoming Lot-Line-Adjustment (LLA) application submission.  There appears to be many inconsistencies with respect to the laws and Supreme Court opinions.  There was a consensus that a LLA was not a subdivision as defined by RSA 672:14 and was not required to show wetland delineation under CZO III:P(c) but such application is still required to go through the review process as laid out within RSA 676:4.  The other primary concern is that the application has been proposed with the less than required frontage for the zone which it is located within.  The applicant argues that he is decreasing the non-conformancy versus expanding upon the non-conforming use.  It is unclear if an area variance shall be required to be applied for with the ZBA.  Town Counsel opinion shall be sought to provide guidance with this application.

Mr. Pike reviewed with the Board those amendment priorities as set forth at the October 28th meeting.  These included:
1.      Workforce Housing
2.      Accessory Dwelling Units
3.      Signage
4.      Multi-Family Density

Mr. Pike presented options for the Board to review in regards to Multi-Family density allowances.  The State of NH DES rules in regards to site loading were reviewed as a possible measure.

The focus of this evening’s meeting was to review the New London Workforce Housing ordinance.  Mr. Moore presented the Board with his modifications to the original.  Many other sections were discussed at length.  Mr. Pike shall take the findings of the Board and put together the new ordinance for the next meeting.

The schedule of hearings for the amendment cycle was reviewed.  It was determined to have the first round of public hearings at the January meeting.  Any amendments proposed to be heard at this meeting shall be completed by December 21st for publication within the Concord Monitor or by December 17th for publication in the Suncook Sun.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mr. Valotto to adjourn the meeting at 9:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike

                                                                                Approved as written.

Thomas Jameson, Chairman